EW Müller Outstanding Emerging Scientist Award

The E.W. Müller Emerging Scientist Award is the society’s highest honor and whose namesake is after the founder of the society.  The E.W. Müller Emerging Scientist Award is a highly competitive competition. Participates should have a completed body of scientific research relevant to the society’s focus which will be presented to the entire society during the conference.  At the conclusion of the oral presentation, members of the society and the judging panel will ask the participants in-depth and probing questions relevant to their presentation.



Eligibly for the E.W. Müller Competition:

Any undergraduate, Master's or Ph.D. candidate, or post doctoral appointment (up to two conferences past his/her Ph.D. award date, as of the first day of the conference) can apply.

(1978)   A.R. Waugh  Cambridge University, UK
(1979)  H.-W. Fink Technische Universitat Clausthal, Germany
(1980)  Y. Kuk The Pennsylvania State University, USA
(1981)  S.J. Banard Oxford University, UK
(1982)  J.M. Derochette  University of Liege, Belgium
(1983)  D.R. Kingham Cambridge University, UK
(1984)  M.G. Hetherington Oxford University, UK
(1985)  M. Ahmad The Pennsylvania State University, USA
(1986)  L. Karlsson Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden
(1987)  P.P. Camus Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
(1988)  A. Cerezo  Oxford University, UK
(1989)  J. Dirks Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany
(1990)  J.E. Brown Oxford University, UK
(1991)  F. Danoix University of Rouen, France
(1992)  H. Schmid IBM, Switzerland
(1993)  M.C. Reckzu Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany
(1994)  R.C. Thomson Cambridge University, UK
(1995)  C. Voss ETH Zentrum Zurich, Switzerland
(1996)  L. Li Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
(1997)  C. Schmuck-Pareige University of Rouen, France
(1998)  K. Nagaoka Waseda University, Japan
(2001)  Ch. Lang Universitat Gottingen, Germany
(2002)  E. Marquis Northwestern University, USA
(2004)  B. Cho Waseda University, Japan
(2006)  W.M. Tsang University of Surrey, UK
(2008)   M. Moors Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
(2010) P. Stender University of münster, Germany
(2012) M. Roussel Uniservity of Rouen, France
(2014) C. Oberdorfer University of Stuttgart, Germany
(2016) M.Dagan  University of Oxford, U.K.
(2018) S.Lambeets  Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
(2020) J. Op De Beeck KU Leuven, IMEC, Belgium
(2021) Kim Se-Ho

Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung, Germany