The International Field Emission Society (IFES) is an international scientific society, that aims to promote high field nanoscience and atom probe microscopy.

THE IFES is governed by its own charter that provides for an International Steering Committee (ISC) elected by the members. The Society's main duty is to run the International Field Emission Symposium, that has recently been renamed Atom Probe Tomography & Microscopy (APT&M). 

This Symposium has been in existence since 1952 and now normally occurs every two years. It alternates in venue between Europe (including the Middle East), America and Asia-Pacific, with the most recent meetings being in: Guilin (China) in 2006, Rouen (France) in 2008, Sydney (Australia) in 2010, Tuscaloosa, AL (USA) in 2012, Stuttgart (Germany) in 2014, Gyeon Ju (Korea) in 2016,  Gaithersburg/Washington DC (USA) in June 2018, and finally in a virtual formal due to the COVID crisis in Oxford University (UK) in 2020. The forthcoming conference will be held at the PNNL (USA) in september 2021 (also in virtual).